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Platform|Windows PC



Level Designer


  • Designed gameplay moments that had an emotional or physical impact on the player 

  • Worked with the artists to create props and sets to enhance the environment and game

  • Worked with the programmer to set up an enemy spawn system and interesting Cinemachine camera transitions

  • Set gameplay lighting by using a combination of directional light and post processing to create a night time effect

  • Tuning of gameplay elements such as screen shake for better player feedback

  • Gameplay balancing by tuning enemy spawn numbers, patterns, and locations

Level Layout

- Translating 2D layouts into 3D inside the engine

- Whiteboxing the level at an early stage to get the A-Z and have a better understanding of pacing

- Designing landmarks and work with cinemachine cameras in certain areas of the map to better guide the player towards their goal

- Rapid iteration of the level layout to ensure the experience does not become stale and each area stands out

Gameplay Moments

Designed moments during gameplay to keep the player engaged while also showcasing the environment


Moments like the introduction of Necromancers, as they spawn after a hard fought wave, as they display their resurrecting ability on the enemies that were just defeated


Using cinematography to show to imposing castle at the end of the level as the player approaches it


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